

The social sciences are devoted to the study of human societies and the relationships among individuals within those societies, and encompass a wide array of academic disciplines including anthropology, economics, law, media and communications, political science, psychology, sociology, geography and area studies. According to the QS World University Ranking, eight Taiwanese universities are ranked among the top 400 universities in the world for instruction and research in the social sciences. Business & Management programs in Taiwan seek to provide students with the theoretical and empirical knowledge essential for success in managerial and entrepreneurial careers and to keep them current with global trends in this field. Many Business & Management Programs offered in Taiwan have outstanding academic reputations, and several colleges of Commerce & Management are AACSB accredited, and offer comprehensive and flexible curricula to complement the needs of students from a wide range of academic disciplines.

Program School Location Period of Apply
1 Exploring Taiwan's connections with the international community: experiences of local think tanks and NGOs National Chung Hsing University Taichung 2024/03/01-2024/04/30
2 Exploring Taiwan’s role and connections with the international community: observations from local think tanks and NGOs National Chung Hsing University Taichung June 1 - June 30, 2023
3 Indonesia-Taiwan lab exchange project: Exploring scholarly networks in e-learning research National Chung Hsing University Taichung 2023/01/01-2024/02/28
4 Science Education National Taiwan Normal University Taipei 2024/01/01-2024/12/31
5 Science Education National Taiwan Normal University Taipei 2025/03/15-2025/09/30
6 Slow Food, Community Innovation, Social Responsbility, BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) Economy, Slow Movement Nanhua University Chiayi 2024/01/01-2024/12/31
7 Transportation Management & Engineering; Tourism Marketing; Hospitality Management & Circular Economy National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism Kaohsiung March 10th to April 4th 2025